When you keep repeating the same mistake…
… chances are that you’ve got a faulty belief system and negative thinking at play.
We create a map of beliefs based on a totality of our past. Many came in handy to keep us safe and out of harm’s way. If you have a bad feeling about someone when you first meet them, then you may create a “rule” to keep away when you have that feeling. This then becomes a belief.
A belief could be that if the highway seems jammed by the time you reach the corner, opt for the back roads. A belief could be that you’re more likely to contract a disease if you go out to dinner. These are protective, intelligent thoughts. But when they limit our behavior or direct our behavior without knowing it, they become a hindrance.
Many beliefs are handed to us from someone else, society, or family. You may have learned, for example, that “you’re not worthy,” that “you talk too much,” or that “money is hard to come by.” The list goes on and on.
Have you ever thought these things to yourself?
I’ll never develop warm relationships with my new team because I couldn’t do it last time.
I’m probably going to have a hard time getting my point across at the meeting.
My work associates are only professional alliances, so I shouldn’t ask about anything personal out of risk of offending them.
Well… guess what? All of these beliefs will keep you from connecting to others and exploring what’s possible in a relationship.
Most of the time, we avoid the parts of ourselves that aren’t ready for “prime time.”
You know the feeling. You did it again, said something before thinking, avoided saying what you needed, wishing you didn’t get angry. We all have parts of ourselves that are harder to love. Things we wish we didn’t have to deal with. Often when we see them or feel them bubble up, we push them down, avoid the feelings behind them and suppress, or turn away from them.
Perhaps you jump into action. Keep yourself relentlessly busy, strive for excellence in all areas at all costs. But what is the true cost? What does it cost you not to feel, how much energy do you think it takes to keep holding things down?
This is a learned behavior – an intelligent coping mechanism designed to keep you safe. So that perhaps don’t see parts of yourself that aren’t perfect. But in this holding back and fear of being fully seen and loved, you’re keeping your full potential locked away.
I help my clients integrate these lost parts, reset limiting beliefs, and upgrade mindset and thinking to build a life of deep joy and meaning.
“We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience.”
–Louise L. Hay, motivational author
If we don’t take the time and energy to explore our beliefs…
… then we just live with them, and we’ll keep living out a pre-recorded drama. That is never going to bring you the type of success and inner freedom you’re truly after.
We often hold so tight to a belief… something like “Life is hard,” or “I’m not good enough”… that it can lodge so deep into our subconscious that we defend it and explain away any contradiction of it! We see our world through our perception, but we rarely give ourselves enough time and space to explore what’s happening below the surface of what we see with our naked eye.
Clearing negative patterns happen in the body.
Using biological-based modalities, using my accountability tracker, and in our talk and BodyTalk sessions, you’ll tap into the source and root cause of what’s holding you back.
You need to know where you’re going if you are to arrive there. You also need a non-judgmental understanding of what is holding you back. Most clients do not truly understand what is in the way. So you try many different avenues spending thousands of dollars only to be back where you started. From here, you’ll set a new and upgraded pattern and behavior.
“For some of our most important beliefs, we have no evidence at all,
except that people we love and hold these beliefs. Considering how little we know,
the confidence we have in our beliefs is preposterous – and it is also essential.”
–2002 Nobel Laureate, Daniel Kahneman, 2002 Nobel Laureate
Let’s get to work on creating your best self!
Please reach out today to take a deep dive into hidden parts of yourself that are ready to be understood, reckoned with, and integrated into the full version of you!
Body-based therapies to shift behavior and beliefs are a fairly new and innovative way to create change. You may never have tried anything like this before. It’s perfectly normal to have a lot of questions about the modality and the work. This is why I offer a complimentary conversation to feel confident in your ability to make foundational changes in your thinking and beliefs through our work together.
Give me a call today, and let’s schedule your free 30-minute consultation: (617) 347-5766.